Exclusive webinar training, next date announced soon!



Exclusive webinar training, next date announced soon!

'Three tools to tune into your hormonal health'
with Nutritional Therapist Angelique Panagos

Date coming soon...


Is this you?

  • I'm finding it really hard to understand why I'm moody, spotty, angry, irrational and bloated and can’t figure it all out on my own.
  • I've realised my symptoms aren’t just affecting me, but those around me and it’s making my life hard.
  • I'm so frustrated with my menstrual cycle/unpredictable, heavy, painful, erratic periods, that feel totally out of my control.
  • I feel generally exhausted and am having trouble sleeping at night.
  • I crave sugary snacks throughout the day, especially when I'm tired or stressed.
  • I just don't know what's going on with my body, I feel so out of touch with my health and wellbeing.

I will teach you three practical tools to tune into your hormones and tap into your unique physical wisdom!


By the end of my training you will have:

  • a renewed connection with your body and its' unique physical wisdom
  • a sense of empowerment to listen and take note of your body and learn from it
  • tools to help you monitor your lifestyle and work out what might be affecting your hormonal imbalances
  • an understanding of which lifestyle factors are negatively impacting your hormones
  • learned to embrace your hormones

It's time to get back in touch with your body and tune into your hormones for better health and wellbeing.

Are you ready to stop wondering why and to start learning how to feel better?

Angelique is an international hormone health expert, a registered nutritional therapist, speaker and author of The Balance Plan.

"I am on an absolute mission to help thousands of women take back control of their bodies by using the right tools to easily live a healthier and energetic life with balanced hormones."

Angelique is regularly featured in the press and has appeared in numerous publications and podcasts.

Hi, I’m Angelique,  

I believe every woman deserves to live a balanced, healthy and energetic life! Only I see far too many women struggling on a hormonal roller-coaster thinking that they have to accept this struggle as part of being female.  

I promise you don't!  

And I should know. I am the girl that has struggled through and wears the battle scars of a lot of hormonal 'dis-ease'.

I have an immense passion for the healing power of food and nutrients having experienced the positive and transformative effects first hand. The food we eat affects every cell in the body, it can make the difference between feeling 'alright' and feeling 'great'!  

The key to making a change is to practice my 6 simple pillars nourish, balance, nurture, cleanse, move & restore.  

Which is why I’ve decided to run my most powerful training to date.  During this 1.5 hour webinar, you’ll learn the foundations for tuning into your hormonal health and listening to your body's unique physical wisdom.

We’ll focus on how to feel less stress, eat to heal your hormones, and tune in to your unique physical wisdom to optimise your hormone health.  

By the end of the webinar you’ll feel empowered and inspired and ready to start living your life with new confidence and optimum energy.  

I cannot wait to meet you.

Love Angelique x

p.s. Did you know that I run an online Hormone Balance School? I've included some first hand experiences of my graduates below.

How my Hormone Balance School graduates tackled their hormonal health issues

Just before joining the Hormone Balance School I had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was exhausted all the time and had also come out of quite a long period of Post Natal Depression and Anxiety.  I was also found to have PCOS and Insulin Resistance and advised to go back on the contraceptive pill to increase my estrogen levels and to change my diet. 

I can honestly say that in 3 months Angelique has achieved more than I could ever have imagined possible with me. Angelique taught me how to listen to my body, how to nurture it, and how to alleviate my symptoms naturally, through a combination of diet, lifestyle, breathing, and self-talk. I have so much more energy... nothing close to chronic fatigue syndrome (in 3 months!). My moods are more balanced, my skin is so clear and my belly fat is gone. With Angelique's leadership and support and the amazing support of the other women in the group, I have made lifestyle changes that I didn't think would be possible.

- Katy Lee

I enrolled in The Hormone Balance School as I had been experiencing problems with severe joint pain, weight gain, and other symptoms related to Arthritis and Hashimoto. I got to the point where I was unable to go up the stairs on my own, and I knew I needed to take action!

After 2 weeks into the school, not only had the pain subsided tremendously, but I was back to enjoying walks with the family. As an Expat, it has proven difficult to find the right medical advice and treatment. Meeting Angelique has changed my life in a positive way as she took the time to understand my health journey (from birth to date) in a meticulous way that I had never experienced with any other health specialist. The school has left me much more knowledgeable, and able to understand the root cause of my symptoms. The approach to food and wellbeing through the school has changed the way I see myself and the food choices I make for me and my family, leaving a real lasting improvement to my lifestyle.

- Jeanine Barajas

For anyone considering doing the Hormone Balance School, I would recommend it. I started the program after trying so many options of dieting and counting calories. My weight fluctuated and I was scared of eating some food. I started to read Angelique's book The Balance Plan and all the symptoms seemed to relate to me so I took the leap and joined the Hormone Balance School.

Angelique is a great teacher and knows so much about female health issues. She guides you through it really well and motivates you to make the changes. 

There is no dieting, it’s all healthy fresh food that nourishes your body and you start seeing changes. I progressed further to do the Dutch test and look forward to balancing my hormones further. I only wish I had found Angelique many years ago as she has a wealth of knowledge. 

- Puja Phakey 

The Hormone Balance School has really helped me to learn about my body and hormone symptoms for the first time in my adult life. I’ve learnt so much about how to nurture my mind and body and how important it is to stop and breathe.  

So many women go through life with awful hormonal symptoms that are shrugged off as normal or are told to just grin and bare them but it shouldn’t be like this - things can be fixed and Angelique gives women the tools to fix these things!  

No quick fixes but honest and simple strategies that are a joy to implement. Girls should be taught these tools in school!!! Thank you to Angelique for being so supportive throughout this programme - she really went above and beyond and I’m so thankful for her knowledge and experience! 

- Sarah Kirby

I joined the hormone balance school as I had recently decided to stop taking the pill and allow my body to restore its natural balance without the synthetic hormones. My periods were non-existent for a long time, and when they reappeared were long irregular cycles, my hair was falling out, I had terrible mood swings and irritability, and worst of all for me I developed acne. I have since seen definite improvements in all of these symptoms.

The hormone balance school provided a thorough and holistic approach to resetting our hormones, far more than just what we put on our plates. Angelique transformed our mindsets, her positivity is infectious, I am now so much kinder to myself and so grateful for my mind, body and soul. I no longer feel like being ‘healthy’ is a chore and something I have to do, it’s something I want to do, nourishment not deprivation! 

- Georgia Crisp

Before I met Angelique, I didn’t know anywhere near enough about hormones. In fact I’d say learning from her has changed my life. From the right foods to eat to tampons to wear, she is truly a fountain of knowledge.

Another brilliant thing about The Hormone Balance School is the community Angelique created by bringing all of us together, these are women who are supportive even when you or they are having a bad day.

For anyone struggling with hormonal issues, Angelique is a woman who truly cares and wants to help. Warning, she will make you eat a lot of broccoli.

- Harriet Lorne